Loveland Youth Clinic Visit

Yesterday I went out to Medical Center of the Rockies and visited the Loveland Youth Clinic. I just got my new business cards this week and wanted to get some of them out to my business customers. It was so wonderful to hear the staff talk about how many comments they get from families and how much the kids love the artwork. It brings me a lot of joy and satisfaction to hear about how many people and kids I’m affecting.

The Loveland Youth Clinic is located at 2500 Rocky Mountain Ave (South building, second floor) Suite 260 Loveland CO. 80538 Feel free to stop in and check it out!


I sold my first print online! Let’s Celebrate!

Baby and Mother Giraffes Fine Art Prints

I just want to share with everyone how happy and grateful I am now that I sold my first print online! Thank you to my husband for believing in me and what I do and creating an online presence so I can be a stay at home artist/mom. Thank you to the gentleman and son who purchased one of my prints, it means so much to have a family so excited about receiving an art piece that they love! Thank you to all that support me! Love Ivy Bath.

The Kung Fu set is up and Fine Art Prints are Available too!

Four of the Kung Fu Animals

All Four paintings finally meet, Sifu’s wall is complete! My family has truly benefited from Sifu Decino and his traditional teachings of White Dragon Fist Style Kung Fu. These four paintings represent the appreciation of all that Sifu Decino does, teaches, and gives to his students. Spreading these four paintings out over the past four years has really helped me grow as an individual, pushing past my own boundaries and tapping into new levels of myself. I am eternally grateful for him and his love for Kung Fu. Feel free to drop by and check out Sifu’s school, he has an amazing kwoon. It is located at 1714 Topaz Drive, Loveland, CO 80537 behind McGraff’s.


All four animal Fine Art Prints are Now available in the shop! They come in three different medium options and two different sizes.



A Burst of light -Pastel Drawing

Burst of Light

I decided to play a little last night with oil pastels and this is what I created. I was inspired by the moon a couple nights ago, looking up at the sky and seeing the clouds pass over the moon, it was if the clouds amplified the colors I was seeing.  A burst of light. I will have this available to purchase on my website here in a day or two. It was drawn on Strathmore cold press professional paper. It measures 12″ x 18″.

The Crane Kung Fu Painting is Done!

kung fu crane

The Crane is done! I just dropped off the final painting this morning in a 4 painting series for my Kung Fu teacher, Sifu Decino. Oh I am so excited, honored and blessed to be able to share my talent. 2015 is already amazing!. I will post a picture of the set as soon as the crane is up on the wall. Thank you, Sifu for all that you do and all that you are.

My New Website!!!

Welcome to my first ever Online Art Store and Portfolio of Original paintings and Fine Art Prints! This is so exciting! There have been so many people requesting a website to be able to view and purchase my artwork and now it is available!


Thank you so much to my amazing, talented husband, Levi, that put this website together. It feels so wonderful to be supported and be given so much positive energy. Also, thanks to you for being here and viewing my life’s work and supporting me in this amazing new adventure. On this website you will find all kinds of Art pieces I have done: “Bigger than Life” Murals, glass paintings, metal paintings, wood paintings, and canvases ranging from small to large scale. Be sure to check back with us frequently as we are adding more and more pieces all the time!

We would love any feedback that you have to give so please feel free to let us know what you think! Thank you so much in advance and enjoy as I have.

Also, If you would like a print of an art piece that appears unavailable please contact me and inquire about it and we will see what we can do.