Lonely Cowboy

Can you breath in this piece and feel the dust at your feet? I love the feeling of this piece, can you imagine what it’s like to live the life of a cowboy?

Heavenly Sword


Nariko from the Playstation 3 title Heavenly Sword. Sometimes I think we take for granted all of the amazing artist that create video games and we get so into the game play that sometimes appreciation for what the hundreds of artists do doesn’t necessarily get recognition. So this was me paying tribute to them. I love to recreate other peoples art, it is a very enjoyable process.

Crystal’s Wedding

This was a piece I painted for a friend, and it was one of my first portraits I have painted.  It was a joy to give.

Bonz Drawing


This was a valentines day gift for my husband Levi of his playful dog, “Bonz.”

True Body Awareness


I admire how amazing the human body is and it’s beauty. Plain and simply I loved sketching this scene. Also, what an amazing pose. How could you make such an extreme pose and still get all of your arms and legs in the same line of action.

Nemo for my son

I painted this for my first born son, Corey, when I was on bed-rest before he was born. Hand painting this Nemo scene sure helps you appreciate how talented all of the computer artists that designed these characters and brought them to life.

Tiger Bedroom Mural

wall mural of a tiger and water fall

I started painting this mural the year before I graduated high school for some friends of our family. Outside of attending Poudre high school, love life with Levi, and working at Mervin’s I would find time to paint on this mural. It was one of the first pieces when I got done and stepped back away from it I really surprised myself and was in awe that I had accomplished it. To this day I am often in such a trance of being in the moment and I am so invested in the piece that sometimes it takes me a few weeks to really appreciate what I had just painted.