The Appenzell Inn Now Featuring My Artwork!

Appenzell Inn art display featuring Ivy Bath

The Appenzell Inn in Estes Park is now displaying some of my Art pieces in their majestic Restaurant/Pub. I am so honored and excited to be part of something so beautiful, I love the building and location! The ponds there give this hotel/restaurant a very unique atmosphere. The art pieces that are there are available for purchase if you are interested please feel to contact me directly. Please let me know if you have dined/stayed there or are planning to sometime I would love to hear about your experience!

Commissioned Meditation Painting


I was commissioned to paint this meditation piece for Jennifer Monk, and it was so much fun to paint! Levi helped me plan it out in Photoshop and I was so excited it took me only a week and a half to paint; I had such great energy painting it. Love you Jennifer, thank you so much for all that you do and all that you are.