The Kung Fu set is up and Fine Art Prints are Available too!

Four of the Kung Fu Animals

All Four paintings finally meet, Sifu’s wall is complete! My family has truly benefited from Sifu Decino and his traditional teachings of White Dragon Fist Style Kung Fu. These four paintings represent the appreciation of all that Sifu Decino does, teaches, and gives to his students. Spreading these four paintings out over the past four years has really helped me grow as an individual, pushing past my own boundaries and tapping into new levels of myself. I am eternally grateful for him and his love for Kung Fu. Feel free to drop by and check out Sifu’s school, he has an amazing kwoon. It is located at 1714 Topaz Drive, Loveland, CO 80537 behind McGraff’s.


All four animal Fine Art Prints are Now available in the shop! They come in three different medium options and two different sizes.